Wanted: Windows/Linux collaborators

I'm looking for developers interested in writing Windows/Linux wrapper code for Sinclairean so it can continue being ported to those platforms, as I'm dropping SDL and focusing on the emulator OS-agnostic core and the Mac OS X version.

Duty now for the future: get in touch at madonnamkii LDIR gmail HALT com (replace LDIR with @ and HALT with a dot, for no-spam's sake).

Sinclairean on hold

Due to GPL claims, I'm removing the Sinclairean executable until not a single stub from Marat Fayzullin or Philip Kendall remains in the application's code. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sinclairean X C1

  • Bundled as an app; Terminal is no longer required.
  • The app does not register filetypes by itself yet; you have to do it manually using the "Get Info" Finder pane if you wish to launch Sinclairean by double-clicking a .tap or .sna file.
  • Tuned a few compiler optimization flags.
  • File requester filters Unicode special characters (appeared as trash on C0).

Sinclairean X: the revolution begins

The most long-awaited port: Sinclairean X, for your Mac OS X computer, here and now.

  • Requires the SDL library framework (available at http://www.libsdl.org/)
  • By now, it must be run from Terminal, with the current directory set where the executable is located
You really thought you could escape, Jobs?